Objecto - Chapter 10: "Zero Reward And All Risk"

Previously on Objecto...

???: "Call me Daelia."

Daelia: "The box was empty, but I was the charm that came along with it. I come with the box. As a result you are going to be having nightmares. You have a significant power as well. Each day, you are required to kill a person. If you don't, those closest to you are going to die. But, suicide is such an easy way out. You are now immortal. The explosion was a part of the ritual of giving the object to you. The object is giving you these powers, you hold great responsibility. All I can do, is sit here and watch."

Daelia: "Since you're new to this, I can give you one break. It will take a lot for me to do this with my powers, but it can be done. I will send you back in time and undo what has been done to Hallie. In addition to this, I will also give you an extended time period with Hallie to make sure you know how much she is worth to you. This will cost you though...You will have to murder more people once the contract begins again."

Chris: "I guess I will take your offer Daelia...but..."

Suddenly, there was a flash of bright light.

Hallie: "Chris, don't you remember? You asked me on another date and it was for today. It was because you stood me up last time and you said to come right into the house, so you wouldn't forget to go out with me!"
Chris: "I don't remember..."
Hallie: "Well, you said it!"

What is actually going on here? I REALLY don't remember this going on at ALL.

Reporter: "Today in the news, a woman has been massacred by a man with red hair, described as slender and average. He was last seen wearing dress clothes."
Reporter #2: "It is believed to be said that the suspect lives in the neighborhood of Sunset Falls, the metropolis that boomed and was built after Sunset Valley began to become too expensive to expand. The two neighborhoods are next to each other and neither had ever experienced a massacre quite like this one, let alone any murder situation. Police will be searching for the suspect all day."

Reporter: "If you have any suspicions or information, please call the police station and give them your concerns. "

Chris: "Hallie, it's so sudden that we had to go out. I really do not remember talking to you about it."
Hallie: "Well, we're here now, so I guess it's not a big deal anymore."

This is all so strange. I've only known her for about two weeks and I'm already in love with her? Does she feel the same for me?

Chris: "I think I am recovering from what happened."
Hallie: "You're not having any dreams? Any flashbacks? Anything at all?"
Chris: "Not that I am aware of..."

Should I tell her? No...it's in my head...

Police Officer: "You're under the arrest for massacring Barbara Thinwell. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say and do will be used against you in a court of law."

Hallie: "When thy awake, thy shall mistake. Thy will pay, for what thy has done. Thy fly and thy DIE! Sarrat Irkalli, Peta Babkama Luruba Anaku."

Daelia: "Well, look what you've gotten yourself into."
Chris: "Me? But I didn't do anything!"
Daelia: "While you did take my offer, you still pay the consequences starting now for not completing your deal. Someone was still killed in this world as it was your job to do it. You're being blamed for it and you're going to have to wait it out a while before I help you get back out into the world."
Chris: "Are you serious?"
Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.

Counter Lady: "Ma'm, how may I help you today?"
Hallie: "I'm here to bail out Chris."
Counter Lady: "You can't bail someone out with a charge of murder against them."

Hallie: "I need him to be bailed out. He needs to be out."
Counter Lady: "I'm afraid I can't do that. Now get your ass outta here before I beat it!"


Counter Lady: "Okay, I will let you take him now.

Chris: "Thanks for bailing me out of jail. You know I didn't commit that murder, right?"
Hallie: "Of course you didn't. I know you didn't because I know YOU."

Chris: "Hallie, how exactly did you bail me out of jail?"
Hallie: "The courts had a favor to do me. I had worked closely with the government on a piece of work. It's not a big deal, but I hope it doesn't happen again."
Chris: "Thanks. I just need to get some things figured out Hallie."

I really do.

Hallie: "I'll talk to you later Chris."
Chris: "Bye Hallie."

Everything that's happened recently just doesn't make sense. I'm at home, I have a note at my door that's suspicious, a car crashes into the house across the street and it explodes, I meet a nurse who I fall in love with, I am stuck with some demon, and I've had weird dreams and am unaware of what day it is. Do I even have my job anymore? I think I'm crazy...

Chris: "What do you want?"
Daelia: "I cannot want anything. I am bounded to you now from the note."
Chris: "Right, we've been over that."
Daelia: "Chris, it's time for you to fulfill the contract."
Chris: "Kill someone?"
Daelia: "That's right."
Chris: "What makes you think I can do that?"
Daelia: "It's your decision, but you already know what can happen."
Chris: "So, I have to kill someone?"
Daelia: "Yes, you do."

Chris: "I don't understand your origin and I don't understand why people have to die."

Daelia: "Humans have been around for thousands of years. If creatures like me don't stay on this planet, the population increases beyond the possible. Going beyond the possible means hell is broken unto the earth. I am here, sometimes chosen and sometimes given, but here to control what is beyond your understanding."

Chris: "..."

Chris: "What day is it?"
Robert: "Chris you were here yesterday."
Chris: "Really?"
Robert: "Yes, are you feeling okay? The trauma may still be affecting you."
Chris: "Yes, I am okay.""
Robert: "Chris, what is going on?"
Chris: "I've just been having the weirdest dreams."

???: "Like flower roses...flower roses...flower roses..."

Robert: "Like what?"
Chris: "I had a dream where a woman who claimed to be my mother killed herself."
Robert: "And how do you feel about that?"
Chris: "It's disturbing."
Robert: "What's your relationship with your mother?"

Chris: "It's fine. We talk on a daily basis."

I can't tell him the truth, I've never told anyone. Forgetting about it is the best option for me.

Robert: "Chris, I am going to prescribe some anti-depressants for you and some sleeping pills. Hopefully you'll be happier and sleep without those odd dreams and when you're ready to, we can talk about your true issues with the trauma."

Chris: "Thanks...Robert."
Robert: "Of course Chris. Take it easy."

Chris: "In the past two days of knowing you, I know that you're a good man. I appreciate what you've done for me so far, but..."

Robert: "But...what? Chris is there something else you're meaning to tell me? You can sit back down, I will delay my next appointment if needed."

Chris: "I don't think that's necessary, but I appreciate the concerns. I think that sometimes you just need to figure out things for yourself. Trial and error some ideas and figure out what happens."

Robert: "I'm glad you're figuring things out."

*shot fired*

Chris: "I fulfilled the contract."

Please leave your opinion below. Find out what happens next time right here!

This is Chapter 10, some things expected, some unexpected! Where will this go next?

:) Thanks for reading.

-LoganWorm (Don't forget to comment before you read the next one!)

Next Chapter...